How to overcome the most common and most profound obstacles to successful CRM adoption

The adoption of a CRM is not simply the implementation of new software, but represents a strategic change that impacts the entire organization. CRM is conceived as an interdependent and collaborative ecosystem involving all areas of the company.

This digital transformation focuses on building strong connections with customers and evolving to a customer-centric model.

Before starting the implementation of a CRM, it is essential to have a clear vision of the objectives to be achieved. The scope of the project must be defined, establishing which processes will be managed and which areas will be integrated into the system.

It is important to avoid excessive ambition, as a project that is too large can become unmanageable and lead to failure. The key is to start with a narrow scope, focusing on the core requirements and leaving room for gradual evolution of the CRM.

The formation of a strong and committed project team is critical to the success of the implementation. This team, which must be involved from the beginning, is responsible for planning, managing change and ensuring the continuity of the project. The selection of team members is crucial, prioritizing those who demonstrate competence, passion and the ability to inspire others.

One of the biggest challenges in CRM adoption is user resistance to change. To overcome this, a change management plan is required that includes:

Effective Communication: Inform users about the benefits of CRM and how it will impact their activities.

Ongoing training: Provide users with the necessary training to use CRM efficiently.

Identification of Expert Users: Find the "best" users within the organization to act as internal CRM champions.

The key to overcoming resistance to change is to address the three dimensions: willing, able, and knowing.
Users must be willing to use the tool, have the necessary skills to do so and have adequate knowledge of its functions.

The implementation of a CRM does not have an end date. It is an evolutionary process that requires a team dedicated to the continuity of the project. It is important to establish a feedback system to identify areas for improvement and adjust the strategy according to the changing needs of the company.

Regular updates to CRM platforms, such as Salesforce, which offers updates every 90 days, contribute to this constant evolution.

CRM integration with other existing systems is a common challenge that requires careful planning. It is essential that the technical teams of both systems speak the same language and work collaboratively.

A pragmatic and flexible approach is essential for integration. Prioritize simplicity and accept that some processes may require manual solutions at the beginning. Integration can be gradual, with simpler initial stages evolving into greater complexity as the company matures in its use of CRM.

Data quality is critical to the success of a CRM. It is necessary to define what information will be migrated, how new information will be captured, and how data accuracy and consistency will be ensured. Change management plays an important role here, as users must be trained to record valuable information in the system.

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Date of Transmission:

July 25, 2024


Alberto Hernández

Alliances & Commercial VP
Doble Group

María Eugenia Villasmil

CRM Strategy Specialist

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