7 Indicadores de Necesidad para Tecnología de Habilitación de Ventas
La tecnología ha recorrido un largo camino en los últimos años y está evolucionando más rápido que nunca. Ahora tenemos herramientas que pueden afectar a todas las etapas del proceso de ventas, desde la identificación de los responsables de la toma de decisiones hasta la recomendación del contenido relevante. Sin embargo, aunque las organizaciones están construyendo sus equipos
Innovation and the Connected Customer
Today’s connected customers easily keep pace with cutting-edge technological trends in their personal lives. With smartphones and computers being used for everything, this puts the onus on businesses to stay ahead of trend as well. Responding to emerging technologies quickly and capably is a recipe for success in an environment where best-in-class-but-late-to-launch is seen as
Top 9 Excuses for Not Having a Modern CRM
These days there’s a lot of technology that can make your job easier and your company more successful. Whatever your reasons for not fully jumping on the technology train, we want to help you overcome the obstacles and use modern CRM to build better customer relationships. Explore the excuses below. EXCUSE #1 We don’t have